This week saw the outdoor classroom arrive and is very nearly ready to start being used by the whole school.
Thanks to the PTA for funding this.
The year 3 and 4 performances of Dragon Days was a great success. The children were confident and demonstrated excellent singing skills. We were very proud of all of them as we know you are too.
Our curriculum evening was really well attended and the feedback was great. We hope to put on more in the future to share with you what your child experiences during the school day and hopefully further develop our home school / learning dialogue. We will use the feedback we got from this to determine future events.
If any parents did not make the parent drop in sessions and feel the need to discuss their child's progress please get in touch with the class teacher to arrange an appointment.
We have enjoyed learning about autism this week as part of autism awareness week and we created a lovely spectrum of our own. (See Twitter). At Dovedale we embrace everybody's individuality.
Week 8th March is our Local area study week.
We have archery, owls and a banquet planned along with all themed lesson activities to support our children's knowledge and understanding of their local area with specific reference to Robin Hood.
Wednesday is our Easter bonnet parade, our parent coffee forum at 9.00 and our key stage 2 film night.
Thursday is Key stage 1 Film night.