Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Happy Friday and what a lovely sunny Friday it has been!

Busy week at Dovedale with the new classroom being lifted in on Monday -check out twitter for a time lapse of the event. The children were very excited!

Year 5 had their first aid training and an email from the instructors praised the children on their excellent behaviours. Thank you to the PTA for financing this.

The year 6s have been at the Galleries of Justice today and judging by the pictures have been having a fantastic day.

Reception had their Mummy afternoon on Thursday-Happy mother's day to all!


Next week is Autism awareness week which we will recognise on Friday with the children wearing any colour they choose to create our own spectrum.

Monday should also see the installation of a new outside classroom/gazebo - thanks again to the PTA for funding this.

Year 3 and 4 have their performances next week starting on Tuesday.

Wednesday is parent drop ins from 3.15 and then the curriculum evening from 4.45. We have had lots of responses for this but would love to see more of you coming along with your children to learn about their school activities.

Please check out our twitter page to see a snippet of the children using British sign language along with one of their favourite songs.

