Happy Children in Need day and happy Friday!
This week has been our Anti Bully focus week. We incorporate the anti bullying message across all of our values all of the time and this week helps us to reinforce and embed our expectations. The children have been learning about being resilient, how to respond to bullying and how to not be part of bullying behaviour. We've also been practicing our very own bully proof song, rewritten by Miss Aldis and sung by Mrs Middleton-Wooley-our senior midday supervisor. This can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9W6kW48KPI
Monday at 7.30 at the Soldiers and Sailors was the PTA meeting. This team of parents works tirelessly to create events for the children and it was good to see a new dad attending. The next big event will be the Christmas fair on Saturday 30th at 10.00, we hope to see you all there.
Today has been our Children in Need fundraising day and cake sale. It has been lovely to see all the children in their PJs and Pudsey outfits supporting this cause. The cake sale was of course very well received - thank you to Mrs Gunnell and the School Council for organising this. We will let you know how much has been raised once all has been counted.
Today was also our Governor visit day. Our Governors work behind the scenes to make sure our school is following policy and procedures, is financially competent and that the education the children receive is appropriate and challenging. They also like to get involved and see the school in action. As part of their work today they undertook pupil voice interviews; safeguarding training and discussed our curriculum developments as well as spending some time in classes. We are very grateful that we have such a committed, proactive team.
To find out more about the role of Governors see the Governors tab on this website.
Next week on Thursday it is Argentina's class assembly