Here we are again!
This week we received the great news that we have been awarded Silver Arts Mark status which is in recognition of all the hard work we have done to ensure the children engage with a wide curriculum in the arts. This has been a coordinated process ensuring that we represent the different aspects of art in our curriculum, engage with external arts providers and art in the community, encourage music and large scale artwork as well as ensuring cultural diversity. An especial well done to Mrs Biddles and Mrs Norton who have supported the staff with this and made it possible.
As part of this continuing Arts work we have been invited to open the Ilkeston Charter fair with a dance-extending our reach beyond our local area.
Wednesday was parent drop in, I hope that parents who attended found this a useful space to catch up with their children's work and class teacher.
Thursday this week was Mexico class assembly, this was by account a great presentation. Well done also for the enterprise cake sale- a great start to your year 6 year.
I have added some online safety fact sheets to the parent's tab on the website for your information, please check them out. On a safeguarding note can I remind all parents that once your child has been handed over at the end of the day it is your responsibility to ensure the children leave the premises safely. Staff are about at the end of the day but cannot supervise all children once handed to their adult. Older children accompanying parents also need to be supervised appropriately and abide by the general playground rules.
As the 31st of October looms can I ask any parent who may have concerns with regard to their status if Brexit happens to contact me to discuss this. The school is also aware that there may be some impact to services but we will negotiate these if they occur and plan accordingly.
It has come to out attention ( facebook) that some parents are concerned that children are being kept out of assembly. This has been school policy for some years now and is to support children who have not quite grasped the concept in the lesson or who need pre-teaching to access the challenge or the next stage of the lesson. This is always different children depending on individual needs and is purely for the benefit of the child. No child is routinely kept out of assembly. Any concerns please contact me directly.
We have a new Chair of Governors. Ellie Williscroft has taken up this position from Sarah Armitage who will continue to sit on the board. We thank Sarah for her dedication and support for the school. Information on Governors can be found under the Governor's tab on the website.
Happy weekend everyone.