Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Blog 18th January 2018

This week has flown by with lots of busy activities taking place.

School council met to agree some child friendly policies and have their photos taken for their notice board. We really value this group as the children's representatives; a big thank you to Mrs Gunnell for organising these meetings.

A meeting regarding the new classroom build was held on Thursday and we are hopeful that works will be able to start on this much needed project soon-just waiting for the planning go ahead!

We received our Gold award plaque for our school games gold award. A great achievement. Super efforts by Miss Standring and Miss O 'Dowd who are working to ensure our children get a range of sporting and competitive opportunities on top of our weekly class allocations.

Our midday supervisors had a  training afternoon on Wednesday and judging by the laughter from the hall they thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to share with the children.



