Welcome to friday's update.
Another busy week here at Dovedale!
The key stage 1 performances were brilliant-all little stars. A big thank you to the team and Mrs Howell and Mrs Bird for the costumes-once again they looked very professional!
A full governor's meeting was held this week for governors to review the school's self assessment and policies; we are grateful that we have such a committed team working behind the scenes.
Today of course was Christmas panto and Christmas jumper day. The children all looked resplendent in their jumpers and there was certainly a lot of 'Look behind yous!' Big thank you to our wonderful PTA for supporting this once again.
Don't forget to complete the parent questionnaire-we value your input and the more responses we get the better overall picture we can form of action points and things we are doing well.
The December newsletter is now in newsletters.
Next week
On Wednesday Lorna Cooper is in school in the morning if anyone needs to book an appointment to see her. This is a free confidential family support session.
The KS1 Christmas party is Wednesday afternoon; Lower Juniors on Thursday and Upper Juniors on Friday.
We break up on Friday 21st.