Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Last week 

We carried out a successful fire drill with all children safely evacuating the building in just over a minute. We regularly practice safe exiting at various times of the day.

All staff had meetings with their curriculum colleagues in the other Willows academy schools on Wednesday. These meetings allow us to share good practice across the 4 schools.

The school hall looked particularly colourful on Friday as the year 3 and 4s celebrated their Spanish topic. A great way to immerse themselves in another culture.

This week

Monday: there will be a full Governor's meeting. These meetings are held to ensure that the school's policies and practices are in line with expected procedures. The Governors are a valued team of volunteers who support the schools leadership to keep developing our school in the interests of the children. The Governor's section on the website has details of who our Governors are.


Thank you to all parents who have really considered the safe parking outside of school, there was a noticeable difference this morning. Can I ask that all parents think about where they are parking or turning for the safety of all our children.


A reminder for year 4 and 5 parents that we will be holding a China presentation at 5.00 on Wednesday 6th February.


We will be holding a curriculum evening for all parents on 3rd April at 5.00. This event will be to outline various strategies and activities we use in class to support and inform parent's with regard to their child's education. More information will be sent with regard to this nearer the time.

