Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Knowledge Organisers and Term Overviews

Summer Term 2:

This half-term we will be covering:

  • Geography: Fieldwork 
  • Science: Electricity 
  • DT: Stop motion animation and light boxes 
  • RE: Why do some people think that life is a journey and what significant experience mark this? 
  • PSCHE: Being safe
  • Spanish: Consolidation of learning 
  • Computing: Programming 
  • Music: How does music connect us with the environment?
  • PE: Swimming and Forest School 

Summer Term 1

This half-term we will be covering:

  • History: The Romans 
  • Science: Sound
  • DT: bread making 
  • RE: Why can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong?
  • PSCHE: Growing Up 
  • Spanish: Clothes
  • Computing: Photo Editing 
  • Music: Violin 
  • PE: Swimming and TBC

Spring Term 2

This half-term we will be covering:

  • History: The Romans (begin this term and continue in Summer 1)
  • Science: Materials, States of Matter
  • Art: Screen Printing
  • RE: Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?
  • PSCHE: Money Matters
  • Spanish: Time
  • Music: Violin 
  • PE: Swimming 

Spring Term 1

This half-term we will be covering:

  • Geography: North and South America
  • Science: Materials, States of Matter (Water cycle)
  • Art: Marbling
  • Music: Violin Lessons and Concert songs
  • RE: Why are festivals importasnt to religious communities?
  • PSCHE: Changes
  • Spanish: Animals
  • PE: Rhythmic Gymnastics and Netball
  • Computing: Programming

Autumn Term 2

This half-term we will be covering:

  • Geography: Global Warming
  • Science: Animals including humans (digestion and teeth)
  • DT: Stitching 
  • Music: How Does Music Connect Us with The Past?
  • RE: What does it mean to be Hindu in Britain today? 
  • PSCHE: Drug Education 
  • Spanish: Time and Christmas 
  • PE: Hockey and Dance 
  • Computing: Audio Production

Autumn Term 1

This half-term we will be covering:

  • History: Changes to Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age (History focus)
  • Science: Living Things and Habitats (food chains, classification)
  • Art: Drawing (Buildings focus)
  • Music: How does Music bring us together? 
  • RE: What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?
  • PSCHE: Being Me
  • Spanish: Classroom object/stationery
  • PE: Tag Rugby and Tai-Chi
  • Computing: Computing Systems and Networks - The Internet