Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Home Learning

Hi all,


If you have to self-isolate this year, we will still be working hard to ensure that your child's learning is impacted as little as possible. Below, you will find a Bingo Board of activities to complete before we can organise daily Maths and English activities for you. Where possible, we have tried to match the activities with our learning in school so that when your child returns they can continue their learning in line with the rest of the class. Once the daily English and Maths activities are up and running you will find a weekly tab below. Please click on these tabs to find lesson/teaching PowerPoints and resources and continue to use the Bingo Board to dip in and out of activities. Just like last year, your child does not require printed sheets. Children can record the answers to questions on paper and/or discuss answers with a grown-up.


I would be grateful if you can send me completed work either by dojo or email ( If your child is unable to complete the work (e.g. technical issues) or if you need any more support, please let me know.



Miss Bestwick smiley

