Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Curriuclum Info.

Maths:  This term we will continue our learning on data handling as part of our Statistics topic. We will also begin to think about positional and directional language to describe movement, including turns. Alongside this we will recapping all the maths we have done so far with a particular focus on our SATs.


English: In writing, we will focussing on narratives, exploring story writing using powerful vocabulary including adjectives and adverbs. We will begin to look at how we can group ideas into paragraphs to extend our pieces of writing.


Geography: Our lessons this half term will be based around fieldwork in our school grounds and local area. We will begin to look at compass points, aerial photographs and basic map work skills including keys and symbols. 


Science: To tie our learning together, we will begin to consolidate our knowledge of working scientifically. In these lessons we will be looking as experiments and investigations, thinking about the aims and outcomes, beginning to make predictions, observing data and findings and discussing the conclusions we can see. 


Art: We will be finishing our textile art learning tie and dye techniques and also embroidery skills.


Music: In these sessions we will be trying to become musicians ourselves, by looking at our improvisation skills. We will take popular music and make tweaks to the rhythm, tempo or lyrics to make them our own. We will begin to look at the question of how does music help us look after our planet.


Computing: Programming quizzes.


PE: Outdoor – Athletics - this will include practising for our sports day. Indoor - 


RE: How should we care for others in the world and why does it matter?


PSCHE: This term we will look at our health and well-being strand, considering who can help us and why. We will look at ways in which we can be safe and responsible in the decisions we make. 
