Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Curriculum Info.

Maths:  This term we will learn about time and data handling in our Statistics topic. Alongside this we will recapping all the maths we have done so far with a particular focus on SATs.


English: In writing, we will focussing on letter writing skills, writing with a stimulus and editing skills with a particular emphasis on spellings.


History: We will continue to look at the 'Life for children in Victorian Britain' and explore fun and interesting facts what was school and life like for children in that era and transport during that era.


Science: We will focus our learning on 'Plants' and observe them in our local environment. We will also be doing lots of investigations and experiments comparing plant growth in different conditions.


Art and DT: We will be focussing on textile art learning tie and dye techniques and also embroidery skills.


Music: Music that makes you dance – How does music shape our way of life?


Computing: Creating media- Digital Music


PE: Outdoor – Throwing and catching and Indoor – Net and Wall


RE: ‘Believing’ strand- How can we learn from sacred books?


PSCHE: ‘Growing up’ strand-including RSE (relationships and sex education).
