During Autumn Term 1, our curriculum for English and Maths is designed carefully to support the transition between the Year 1 curriculum objectives to the Year 2 curriculum objectives. Teachers and teaching assistants will be busy baselining children during the first full week of Year 2 to highlight any gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding. Throughout this week we will also be recapping the basics in both English and Maths. After this, our learning will transition to the full Year 2 objectives, however those who need further intervention will be part of focused groups throughout the weeks.
In the Autumn Term we will be covering the following:
English – During our first half term we will be focusing on the basics which underpin our curriculum by unpicking spelling, grammar and punctuation and using this knowledge to construct sentences. Each week we will explore a different focus, varying from capital letters and full stops, to conjunctions before recapping and introducing different word classes. Later in the term we will apply these skills to a setting description based on The Great Fire of London.
Maths – In our Autumn Term, lessons we will be consolidating our knowledge on number and place value. We will begin partitioning numbers into tens and ones and begin to order numbers to 100 using a wider range of mathematical language, including greater than, less than and equal to. As the term progresses, we will begin to introduce the formal written method of column addition to help us solve basic addition statements.
Science - Our unit this term focuses on Animals including Humans. We will begin to learn that animals have offspring which grow into adults and begin to classify them into groups. We will look at the basic needs for animals and humans to survive and will learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle including exercise and hygiene.
History - In History we will focus on the significant event in British History known as The Great Fire of London. We will make comparisons between London in the past and present and begin to communicate how the fire started. We will use different sources and significant people to help us retell the narrative.
Art - This term our focus will be around the skill of drawing by using different medial to create layers and to show different textures and effects.
PSCHE & RSHE - This term we will kickstart our learning by identifying the importance of Drug Education. In these sessions we will explore the roles of drugs as medicines and learn the difference between helpful and harmful medicines. We will look at ways we can keep ourselves safe and how to make informed, responsible choices.
RE - This term we will build upon the children's knowledge from Year 1 by talking about the different things which Christians believe in. We will focus on different biblical stories and begin to tell these in different ways - through pictures and captions, writing and even through drama.
PE - In our indoor PE sessions we will be working on developing our rhythm and control by perfecting dance routines. In our outdoor PE sessions we will be focusing on the basic skills of throwing and catching.
Please click on the attachments below to see our overviews of learning. The long term plan provides an overview for the year and the medium term plan provides an overview for the half term. This will provide you with an insight into what we will be learning and focusing on each week. Our class timetable will also help you to understand when specific curriculum subjects are taught.
To support the children with their learning we have produced knowledge organisers which act as a visual memory aid for the retention of the knowledge, skills and understanding we are learning about. Each knowledge organiser follows a similar structure, including key vocabulary, key knowledge or facts and generally supporting images.
Please click on the knowledge organisers below to see what your child is learning about and to continue to help them retain this information at home.