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Class Blog



Each week, usually on a Friday, you will find an update about our weeks learning and adventures! Within this class blog I will summarise what we have been up to in our lessons, inform you of any WOW moments from the week and also remind you of any useful information, whether this be homework or dates. This information will also be posted on dojo so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via dojo or email.

Friday 2nd February 2024:

Good Morning All,

A reminder that spellings for this week are as followed:

Group 1: feel, meet, free, seek, tree, week, sheet
green, see and feet.

Group 2: hiking, joking, loving, caring, shining, hoping , writing, surprising, smiling and coming.

A My Maths homework was also set on Friday and will be live for 2 weeks.

If your child is in the language and literacy group, we finally have a set of iPads to use for star reader tests and daily quizzing. Throughout this week, your child will take the star reader test and I will place a slip inside their reading diary with their new reading age and level. Once all children in my group have sat this test, then quizzes on their individual books can begin. Please try to question your child regarding their book as they read to you about characters thoughts and feelings, the events of the story and the meaning of unfamiliar words - this will support them with their comprehension style quiz on the iPad.

Any questions, please ask :)

Friday 26th January 2024:

Hi All,

Happy Friday!

Tonight your child should have come home with an interim report outlining current targets. Please do not panic if it states your child is at an ‘emerging’ level in an area. In our more recent assessments some children were only a couple of marks off the expected level and it is important to mention the assessments are end of term benchmarks and so there is still a lot of the curriculum left to be covered. The report is simply to provide in the moment feedback and targets so that any support at home can help them be one step closer to achieving their end goals.

I also would like to highlight that all children progress at different rates. If it states that they are at an emerging level but have made expected progress, this means they have made good progress individually for them.

With regards to targets, I may have mentioned practising set 2 or 3 sounds at home and writing words containing these. I appreciate this might be something you’re unfamiliar with so next week I will post a copy of the sounds on dojo for your reference. Likewise, in maths I may have mentioned the use of formal written methods. I will post an example of what this looks like for any parents who wish to support at home. I appreciate terminology changes all the time and sometimes it’s useful to see an example of what I’m referring to.

If you have any questions regarding the report, please feel free to dojo me and I will respond next week.

Have a lovely weekend all.
Miss Bestwick 😊


Friday 19th January 2024:


Hi All,

Spellings for this week:

Group 1: bank, pink, skin, mask, honk think sketch, tank, kit and basket

Group 2: copied, fried, identified, supplied, replied applied, multiplied, spied, relied and magnified

A reminder that homework was set on Friday and will be live online for two weeks. I can still see some outstanding MyMaths homework. Please could both be completed by Friday 3rd February. I will then award merits for their sticker cards.

Lots of children started their new phonics group today. For those children who have joined my language and literacy group, they will no longer have a colour coded reading book. Instead this will be based on their reading age and a reading level will be created. Children will quiz after each book. This will start from next week once our new iPads are up and running. For this week, children have chosen their own reading book from our library of books.

A reminder that tomorrow is our Mini Movers trip. Children need to come in PE kits, trainers and have their hair tied up. Please remember that all children are required to bring a packed lunch and a water bottle.

Have a great week :)


Friday 12th January 2024:

Hi All,

Happy Friday :)

Just like that, our first full week back is complete. The children have settled back in well and I am really starting to see them becoming more independent day to day.

This week we have had lots of highlights including our first Forest School session, an assembly led by the Environment expert group and lots of fun in our curriculum based lessons.

This term we have 2 groups only for spellings. If your child was in group 1/2 last term they will now be in group 1 and if they were group 3, they will now be in group 2.

Spellings for next week:
Group 1 - puff, doll, buzz, back, fluff, grass, fizz
bell, kiss and clock.

Group 2 - flies, cries, carries, lorries
supplies, copies, spies, replies, babies and tries.

Spelling tests will remain on Fridays as this was the best option for us all.

Homework for this Friday is on MyMaths. Homework will now become weekly. One Friday it will be My Maths and the following week it will be

Please can we request that children have suitable shoes for Forest School next week, either in the form of wellies or outdoor walking boots. Those who wore only trainers this week struggled as the grounds are very muddy. A reminder also that children can come in their forest school clothing and can bring their uniform to change into after.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Bestwick.
