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British values across the curriculum map

The Government emphasises that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools.  The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy. The five British Values are:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

At Dovedale Primary school we are committed to ensuring that our pupils understand the British Values. We strongly believe that our Dovedale Vision and Values complement and supports the British Values.

Pupils understand our REACH values and the British values which are displayed in all classrooms.

Our pupils understand and are taught the British Values through a range of ways and this includes through a well thought out annual timetable of assemblies and events and our curriculum map and provision.

Please refer to our British values curriculum map to see how they are integrated into our curriculum.

How British values are represented in our curriculum
