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Blogspot for Socrates Class

HRH Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace.


Friday 9th September

¡Hola! (Hello!) Welcome back! What a busy and eventful first week.

We've been getting used to the new routines and reminded ourselves of our important REACH values. Merits have been awarded for effort, presentation, taking part and of course for supporting each other as a great team should.  Introductions into many subjects have been started, including Evolve online safety, History, Spanish, Art, R.E. (Religious Education), PSCHE (Personal, Social, Citizen, Health and Economic Education) and P.E. (Physical Education).

Some of the things that we've covered are timelines relating to Ancient Egypt, the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh, Floor Gymnastic techniques, Spanish greetings, online identity and recognising different emotions.  In English, we have reviewed key sentence and word types, with Maths, building on our knowledge of the place value of digits in a 3-digit number.

I am so proud of the class for their respectful behaviour on learning about the loss of our Queen, who we only recently celebrated for the Platinum Jubilee. You were very mature.

So two huge milestones for our children: personally and historically.  In the first week of starting Juniors they have a new monarch, King Charles III and they have completed their first week as a Junior pupil. Just like the wonderful pupils at Dovedale, they have taken it all in their stride and it seems like there has always been a class Socrates.

Dojo of the week goes to - Frankie.

Table of the week - Cenaurs.

Homework for 16/09/22 =, spellings, reading and times tables.


Friday 16th September

Well that is another week that has flown by in Socrates class. It feels like the children are adjusting to Year 3 life and growing more confident in sharing their opinions and knowledge. We've been practising mark making techniques in the style of Post-impressionist Van Gogh and have been instructed how to check our bicycles for safety before we ride on them. Earlier in the week, we also looked at partitioning 3-digit numbers into hundreds, tens and ones as well as recognising different emotions in PSCHE.  We've also been comparing input and output computer devices.

We had a brilliant treat on Friday from Bikeability who came in and showed us how to ensure our bicycles are safe before we ride on them.  They showed us how to check from our back tyres all the way to our handle bars and brakes.  It was a very useful session in deed and our class showed fantastic manners by listening well.

Dojo of the week goes to - Michael.

Homework for 23/09/22 =, spellings, reading and times tables.

REACH for WK3 - Lola - for brilliant work ethic and effort across the curriculum.



Friday 23rd September

Amongst the many things we've been doing this week are: learning about push/pull forces and about friction in Science; writing recounts in English about a time when we found something unusual; and in Music we've had our first lesson using the tuned percussion instrument, the glockenspiel. I must say, the class's singing voices are beautiful already.

We are getting used to how the online multiplication software, TTRockstars, works and hopefully will put this new-found knowledge into practise for the this week's homework challenge: TTRockStars multiplication battle with our neighbouring Tutankhamun.

Dojo of the week goes to - Charlotte and Vinny.

Table of the week - Satyrs.

Homework for 23/09/22 = TTRockStars, spellings, reading and times tables.

REACH for WK4 - Freddie - for being our role-model all week, demonstrating REACH!




Friday 30th September

This week, Socrates class have exercised their British Values in the democratic act of voting. Now, the votes have been counted and we are pleased to announce Charlotte and Seb as our new School Council representatives.  A huge well done for all of our worthy candidates who volunteered.
This week included European Languages Day so as well as starting to learn Spanish, we looked at how to introduce ourselves in another European language: Greek (in-keeping with our class name). The class received a well earned: bravo!


Dojo of the week goes to - Vinny.

Table of the week - Pegasus.

REACH WK5 - Harvey- for embracing the C in our REACH values and challenging himself in P.E.

Homework for 07/10/22 =, spellings, reading and times tables.


Friday 7th October

This week ended in spectacular colours of Autumn to celebrate Harvest Festival.  The children in Socrates enjoyed donating food gifts to help others who are less fortunate and being the first to shower the hall display and baskets with food gifts.  The class was a sight to behold with carrot outfits to tomatoes! Thank you to all our parents for supporting this event.

Dojo of the week goes to - Michael

Table of the week - Centaus.

Homework for 14/10/22 =, spellings, reading and times tables.

REACH WK6 - Blake - for embracing the C and E in our REACH values by enjoying Maths and showing brilliant understanding of number and place value covered this half term.


Friday 14th October

We have been learning about the colour wheel and how Van Gogh used complimentary colours in his artwork and created monochrome versions of the Starry Night (in charcoal) in order to compare these to our colour versions next week.  Also, we have celebrated Diwalli by having an expert come in to show us how to make Rangoli patterns using different beans.

Homework for 21/10/22 = MyMaths, spellings, reading and times tables.


Friday 21st October

This week we have been applying our knowledge of the paint style by Van Gogh to recreate his Starry Night picture ready for a walk round gallery in Autumn term 2.  We're also assessed our knowledge so far in many of the subjects and are pleased to see our knowledge and skills progress.

We've finished the week with a Spooky disco which we all really enjoyed. 

Homework for 4/11/22 = spellings, reading and times tables.

REACH WK8 - Isaac- for wonderful writing and being so caring to ours in the class.

We have made it! What a brilliant start to Year 3!


Have a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you all after the holidays. 

Keep shining.
