Friday 21st April
Welcome back!
In English, we are starting to write our own Greek Myth based on the "13th" labour of Heracles. We also investigated how stems work in flowering plants to move water and in history we are finding out about the Greek hero, Alexander the Great.
Homework for 28/4/23 =, spellings, reading and times tables.
Friday 28th April
Our long awaited "Greek" themed class assembly was performed in style. It is amazing the wealth of knowledge our Year 3s have on History, Science, Geography and English that they were able to share with their parents. Well done, everyone!
Homework for 5/05/23 = MyMaths, spellings, reading and times tables.
Friday 5th May
We celebrated the Coronation on Wednesday with the children dressing in combinations of red, white and blue. We made "little Easters" in Coronation colours or more specifically, we made cam mechanisms which made our ladybirds fly in a circle around our Coronation flowers.
I am led to believe by a precious Greek relative that Little Easters are an affectionate name given by Greek's in Athens to ladybirds that appear in their masses in Spring much to the delight of Olive-growning farmers. Socrates class could not miss out on the opportunity to honour these with our own national celebrations.
Homework for 12/05/23 = TTRockStars, spellings, reading and times tables.
Friday 12th May
We took part in a brilliant Road Safety assembly with a local PCSO and have been developing our myth stories in English. We have enjoyed choosing our own mythical creature for Heracules' "thirteenth" labour and are proud of all the drama we've managed to include.
We've also been looking at primary sources of Ancient Greek pottery to interpret what life was like in those times. Hopefully, this will inspire us when we make our own versions.
Homework for 19/05/23 = MyMaths, spellings, reading and times tables.
Friday 19th May
We've been putting our persuasive skills to the test in English and used persuasive language to convince people to come and live in the Sparta city-state or in Athens! There were so many reasons and arguments for living in either. Can you decide which was best or indeed worse? Keeping with the Ancient Greek theme, we started to look at what they traded and what countries they traded with and realise from Alexander the Great's empire, they were a well travelled civilisation.
Homework for 26/05/23 = spellings, reading and times tables.
Friday 26th May
To stop off a brilliant and busy half term, this week we finished our Greek Pots to show off the sculpting skills we have been learning in Art. We completed our Rock and Soil unit in Science, found out all about Ancient Greek architecture as well as started to tell the time to the nearest 5 minute interval. Well done everyone, for working hard and being a super team!
Homework for 09/06/23 = spellings, reading and times tables ready for our return.