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Blogspot for Gorillas Class

Friday 10th November

Welcome back!

We've enjoyed the variety this week of learning how to make animations in Computing and thinking how to make secure structures in Design & Technology.  We've continued to base our English non-fiction writing on Egypt as it was the centenary of the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb in this month, last year, by Howard Carter. 


Friday 17th November

We've been practising how to say the different months in Spanish so we can go on to say which month our birthdays are in.  In Geography, we have started to look at local geography and how our country is separated into different counties.


Friday 24th November

We're starting to learn how stories are constructed through the "story bag" technique from Alan Peat.




Friday 1st December

We've been learning all about our main character's journey from the humdrum of life to an epic adventure through incredible landscapes.  This has helped to provide the context for us to practise different literacy skills relating to word and sentence work.




Friday 8th December

With ipads in tow we have managed to make some stop frame animations with less "jumpiness" via a skill called skin the onion - making gradual changes whilst ensuring the backgrounds and camera are in the same position for each frame.  Clever us!



Friday 15th December

We've become very knowledgeable about sources of light and how light reacts with different materials.  Well done on fabulous end of unit assessment scores!  Our Egyptian dances are developing nicely with better motif-positioning and smoother movements.  You never know, maybe Mrs McGowan will join in?



Thursday 22nd December

We have made it! What a brilliant end to 2023!  We made finishing touches to our wooden truss bridges and ranked them quite highly on our criteria and the start of the week included marshmallows round the firepit in our last Forest Schools session of the year!


Have a wonderful Christmas and we wish you all a Happy New Year!

Hope your wishes come true in 2024!
