Welcome to autumn 2!
Well, we certainly have a lot to pack in before Christmas. We will be writing some lovely non- fiction pieces about Giant Pandas as well as moving on to some creative writing which we think the children will love. We are very excited to be embarking on our Volcano knowledge block of learning and we will put our summer homework display to good use! In Art, we will be investigating the style of Andy Warhol, and be creating some fantastic lino block prints.
More info and Knowledge Organisers will follow x
Welcome to the autumn term everyone!
We are very excited to be learning about the Scots and Saxons and how the invasion impacted on Britain. We will be practising skills in researching and investigating different sources of information. Explaining how and why will be a focus for our learning. In mathematics we will kick start the year with place value and number, as well as puzzles and problems to apply these. English lessons will provide lots of exciting challenges whilst we are beginning to investigate what it takes to be a year 5 writer and using our time to learn how to learn, and build on year 4 knowledge. This is just a little snapshot of what we will be doing in class, we can't wait to get started!
Knowledge Organisers will follow shortly.