Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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  • Friday updates

    Fri 29 Apr 2022 S Houseman

    Happy Friday all!


    We have had a great start back to the summer term!

    It promises to be a very busy few weeks as lots is happening and it's quite a short one.


    Next week we have our 2nd Governor day. Governors will spend the day in school, looking at phonics and early reading as well as the OFSTED framework. They will also meet with their curriculum teachers to see everything that the teachers have been doing to make sure their curriculum areas are being delivered to the high standards we expect.

    For more information on our Governors check out the governor tab on the website.


    Miss Berrington's class had a brilliant class assembly this week and showcased their many talents, from singing to dancing, maths and yoyo ing to name but a few - all the children were stars and demonstrated what a great class group they are.


    May 6th is photo day for class groups and leavers photos.


    Monday May 9th is the start of our year 6 statutory testing week. These were cancelled during covid but we are confident that this cohort of year 6s are going to shine, showcasing all the hard work they have put in during their time at Dovedale.


    Jubilee event

    On Thursday 26th May we will hold a Jubilee celebration. This will consist of activities in school with a picnic plate snack time and a parade. The school council will give you more details of this shortly. At 3.15 parents will be invited to join in the PTA celebration including stalls and games from 3.15 till 5.00. WE hope this will be a lovely end to the first half term. More details from the PTA to follow.


    A reminder that Monday 6th June is our Jubilee day as previously mentioned and school will be closed on this day. WRAP club is open on this day.


    As we are getting into the summer months (although it hasn't felt much like it this week) I would like to remind parents to send in sun hats and apply sun cream before school. If children need to bring cream in with them please label it and let the teacher know via dojo. They will need to apply the cream themselves but can be supervised.


    A reminder that head bands should be school colours and appropriate size, shoes should look like school shoes and in black and plain, school colour jumpers or cardigans should be worn over school polo shirts as opposed to other sweatshirts.


    Thank you to all parents who took the time to complete the parent questionnaire. We shall be reviewing the responses and providing an analysis.


    If your child has a medical appointment please supply the office with the text you receive from the practice.


    To allow our staff to take a break I have asked them to switch off their dojos over the weekend. Please communicate if necessary over the weekend via the Headteacher@ email.


    I hope you all have a lovely Bank holiday weekend.






  • Friday update

    Fri 08 Apr 2022 S Houseman

    Happy Friday all!

    What a wonderful end to the spring term we have had. The bonnet parade went ahead today and it was so lovely to see all the children outside together. Thank you to Miss Nadin and the school council for organising and coordinating this.


    We also had our first year group play performance this week with the year 4s putting on their Hood Winked play. They did an amazing job, not least because they last performed like this in front of a crowd in year 1. Amazing job! We were very proud of each and every one of them.



    Head bands school colours and appropriate design/size please. Shoes should be black and look like shoes.

    If your child has a medical appointment please supply the office with the text from the medical centre/dentist for our records.



    Our school attendance has been impacted upon over the last year for obvious reasons. Each half term we monitor attendance. Some parents will be receiving a notification letter if their child's attendance has fallen below 90%. Although we know some of this is due to illness, corona virus or other unavoidable absences, as a school we have a duty to inform parents about their child's attendance. We know this can be frustrating or annoying but it is a necessary process to ensure we communicate with parents about their child's attendance and ensure where possible these percentages improve.

    I have also noticed a big increase in children arriving late. Lates go down as an absence on your child's attendance. The school day starts at 9 and children should be in by then.


    A big thank you to the PTA for organising the Easter egg hunt on Thursday. They are already planning the Jubilee celebration!


    If any parent needs to make contact over the Easter holidays please use the email as I have instructed teachers to turn off their dojos to give them a proper break.


    Thank you for your continued support


    Have a good Easter



  • Holiday activities for Qualifying children

    Tue 05 Apr 2022 S Houseman

    26,000 free Easter holiday activity places available at 95 venues across Derbyshire

    This Easter, Derbyshire County Council is providing 26,000 free holiday activity places at 80 venues across the county for local schoolchildren aged 5-16.

    The free sessions include a healthy meal at breakfast or lunchtime and seasonal activities, sports, craft clubs, drama, gardening and more.

    The sessions, available throughout the Easter holidays, are all free for families who claim benefit related free school meals. Places may also be available to children in other vulnerable groups, including children with SEND, who are not currently in receipt of benefit related free school meals.


    Places are available on a first come, first served basis, with a limited number available to any school age child living in the county.


    Sessions will run during both weeks of the Easter school holidays, starting from Monday 11 April.


    To find out more about the activities on offer and details about venues, please visit our website at which lists the organisations taking part, dates and times of sessions and contact details.


    For any further details, please contact our team by email:


    In addition, children and families can find online activities and ideas for low-cost activities to take part in at home on the It’s About Me website:
