Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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  • Blog

    Fri 29 Mar 2019 S Houseman

    Happy Friday and what a lovely sunny Friday it has been!

    Busy week at Dovedale with the new classroom being lifted in on Monday -check out twitter for a time lapse of the event. The children were very excited!

    Year 5 had their first aid training and an email from the instructors praised the children on their excellent behaviours. Thank you to the PTA for financing this.

    The year 6s have been at the Galleries of Justice today and judging by the pictures have been having a fantastic day.

    Reception had their Mummy afternoon on Thursday-Happy mother's day to all!


    Next week is Autism awareness week which we will recognise on Friday with the children wearing any colour they choose to create our own spectrum.

    Monday should also see the installation of a new outside classroom/gazebo - thanks again to the PTA for funding this.

    Year 3 and 4 have their performances next week starting on Tuesday.

    Wednesday is parent drop ins from 3.15 and then the curriculum evening from 4.45. We have had lots of responses for this but would love to see more of you coming along with your children to learn about their school activities.

    Please check out our twitter page to see a snippet of the children using British sign language along with one of their favourite songs.


  • Blog

    Fri 22 Mar 2019 S Houseman

    Welcome to this week's updates.

    This week we have had 2 important visits in to school.

    School council led by Mrs Gunnell held an audience with Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal. They asked him lots of questions regarding his role including if he had ever met the queen! Councillor Athwal has agreed to arrange a local area litter pick with the children, something they were very keen on and also to fix a date for them to hold one of their meetings at the council house!

    Year 2 welcomed our local PCSOs ( local community police) in to their classroom to talk about being safe whilst out and about specifically 'stranger danger'.

    Thursday was odd socks day and Bluebell classes assembly. They did a great job and incorporated a new song for us all to learn as well as their class song 'Eye of the tiger!' Well done Poppies.

    It has been assessment week this week and the children have been working hard. You will be getting their progress updates on an interim report on Friday 29th March.

    Next week the work starts for the new class block. Please be aware that heavy vehicles may be coming in and out of the staff car park and extra care should be taken when dropping off and picking up.They will be on site for about 3 weeks but hopefully Miss Berrington's class will be in the new room after Easter.

    On Wednesday 27th year 5s will receive their first aid training. The PTA have kindly funded this and training for the year 6s will be booked for the summer term.

    Thursday 28th is 'Mummy' afternoon in Reception and Friday the year 6s are off to the Galleries of Justice on the train!




  • Blog

    Fri 15 Mar 2019 S Houseman

    This week we had our NSPCC assembly and workshops. These were aimed at supporting our ongoing safety and well being curriculum with messages and activities around keeping safe in a variety of ways for different circumstances. We very much value this expert input.

    Today was Red nose day and what a treat it was. The children looked whacky and wonderful in their costumes as did the teachers!

    Art Gallery day today was pretty amazing. The talent was evident. We are sure you were as proud of your child's picture as we are. I am certainly having some for my office!

    Please remember to stick/put your children's names in all items of clothing. The lost property situation is quite ridiculous and we can't return it to its rightful owner if it's not labelled!

    PTA meeting was held on Thursday. The discussions were around what to spend the current funds on and how to raise more. It was a productive meeting with plenty of decisions made. Look out for more playground equipment in the near future.

    Next week

    Thursday is Bluebell class assembly at 9.00 and it's odd socks day for Down syndrome awareness day.

  • Blog

    Fri 08 Mar 2019 S Houseman

    Happy Friday!

    A busy week here at Dovedale Primary school and lots to update on. 

    The new classroom has been planning approved (again!) and we should see installment around 25th March. This means it may be ready for occupation after the Easter holidays.

    The new outside gazebo/classroom provided by funds from the PTA is due for installation on the 1st April so lots of outside learning to be had here.

    On the 11th April we will have our annual Easter bonnet parade. A letter with details about this will come out shortly.

    On the 21st March it is World Down's Syndrome day and we would ask children to wear odd socks on this day in recognition of this.

    I was made aware that there was some concern being expressed on Facebook that we had banned football. This of course is not the case. On some occasions the midday supervisors may need to stop football being played due to our playground flooding problem but these are rare occasions. As a school we value our physical activity as demonstrated by our achieving our Gold mark sport's award. As a school we invest fully in the importance of a healthy lifestyle and our midday supervisors have recently received further training on helping to motivate children over the lunch break. Our staffing ratio is high and we do not have any problems supporting our children during the lunch break-so rest assured we have not banned football!

    Thursday was World book day which was celebrated in style with lots of lovely costumes and cosy Pjs-for the staff as well as the children. Book fair was very busy too-remember it's on till the 13th. Remember to check the twitter page for pictures of this.

    Miss Norton and Miss Martin won the lower school attendance for the last half term and are busy planning their party! Mr McCarthy's class was the winner for the upper school and will choose their prize shortly.

    Coming up

    Thursday 14th is the PTA meeting at school this time at 6.30. Everyone is welcome.

    Friday 15th is Red nose day and Art gallery day.



  • Blog

    Fri 01 Mar 2019 S Houseman

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Lots to report on this week and the newsletter is also out so check that out too!

    This week year 6 had their 2nd visit to The long Eaton School library. They took back the books they'd borrowed and we were given a selection of books to bring back for our own shelves. They have really loved using the library and we are hoping to create our own specific library space in the near future!

    This week 10 of our year 3, 4 and 5 children went to Trent College to be trained as Anti Bullying Ambassadors. This is a nationally recognised accreditation and will support us in this very important area of our school behaviour system.

    Year 2 had a great visit from the Natwest money sense team. These workshops help children to begin to understand the importance of saving and money planning.

    I'm sure you're all aware of the issues surrounding online safety and I have put some further information in the parent's tab. If any parent would like a copy of the school leaflet they are in the school foyer.

    We are having quite a lot of issues spilling in to school regarding children using Whatsapp and we would ask that parent's monitor this carefully. We recognise that children like to communicate with their friends on social media however it is starting to impact negatively on classroom and learning behaviours. We will therefore be informing parents of any issues regarding individual children and ask you to deal with this appropriately.

    Year 4 and 5 China trip online payment system is now open and a letter will be sent to parents today who have expressed an interest in this.

    Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and check out your class pages for information about your child's curriculum and spellings.


    Tuesday- year 5 SRE video screening for parents at 3.30

    Book fair arrives Wednesday

    Thursday is world book day-children can come in their PJs or dress as a book character.


