Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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  • Junior Bake Off

    Wed 24 Feb 2021

    Applications are invited for the 7th series of Junior Bake Off, a Channel 4 programme that celebrates the culinary talent and ambition of the younger generation in Britain.


    Filming for young budding bakers would take place from July 2021, but applications close on Sunday 28th March 2021.

  • Update

    Mon 22 Feb 2021 S Houseman

    Good Morning all,


    I hope that you and the children have managed to have some quality time at some point over half term.


    As I am sure you are aware it appears that schools will reopen fully from March 8th. We will keep you informed of any changes to drop off and pick up times and any further arrangements once we have full details.


    Please be advised that the Directors have agreed to change the autumn term dates. School will reopen to children on the 2nd September and finish for the Christmas break on the 22nd December.


    We look forward to welcoming our key worker children back tomorrow and all our children on the 8th March! (Unless we get told otherwise!).


    Social distancing requirements will remain in place in school and on the school grounds.


    Take care



  • Friday update

    Fri 12 Feb 2021 S Houseman

    Happy Friday everyone,

    Well, we have reached the end of Spring term 1 and it has been one filled with lots of ups and downs for everyone. but at the end of the 6 weeks we can say that the children have made us proud and we have delighted in all they have achieved.

    Thank you to all the parents who have battled through the home schooling regime, learning alongside their children in many instances whilst juggling their own jobs or demands and thank you to all the critical worker parents who have had to continue to put themselves on the front line. I believe we are stronger as a community because of these difficult times, even though at times we may feel frustrated or exhausted we are still able to pull together for the sake of our children.

    Hopefully soon we will get back to some sort of normal and the children will be back in school ready to build on the new skills and resilience they have learnt. We have no further information with regards to school opening fully but will keep you informed as soon as we do.

    I have received several messages this week from parents thanking staff for the work they are doing and I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all the staff as they have universally shown resilience, dedication and flexibility; juggled their own lives and anxieties and continued to deliver learning and support to inspire and nurture the children.


    I hope you are all able to have some rest over half term and enjoy your family units.

    Please continue to keep safe and we will see you all either virtually or in person from Tuesday 23rd February.


    Sarah Houseman


  • Photography competition

    Mon 08 Feb 2021 SH

    The Rotary club of Long Eaton are running a "Young Photographer Competition"  on "Wild Nature" this is for different age groups, Juniors 7-10yrs Intermediate 11-13 yrs and Senior 14-17 yrs. 

    All the children have to do is send one photo of something that they see locally - 'In their back garden' in fact anywhere locally. 

    I have placed details for submission under the news and events-letters home tab on the website, there is also a  consent form to be completed and sent with your entry.

    Entries go directly to the email on the information sheet and not submitted to school.

    Paper copies can be collected from the school if you wish.

