Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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  • Easter family fun

    Tue 30 Mar 2021 S Houseman
  • Safeguarding support

    Tue 30 Mar 2021 S Houseman

    Good morning all,

    As we head towards the Easter holidays I wanted to give a few pointers for keeping children and families safe.

    It has been a difficult year for everyone and children may exhibit the stresses around this in different ways to adults.

    We have found the majority of children have settled well back into the whole class routines however there have been some friendship disputes as a result of new groupings and some children finding the transition back to school routines a little tricky. We are also conscious that some children may be feeling more vulnerable or have created new online friendship groups which could of course put them at risk.

    We are of course supporting all children with this in school but I thought you may also appreciate some links to support you and your families over the holidays.

    There is also a national understanding that child exploitation in all its forms is on the rise. This can be online as much as face to face so we all need to be as well informed as possible.


    The link below takes you to the NSPCC website support for parents. This has a range of information ranging from baby parenting tips to parenting and mental health.


    Online safety

    The Think u know link below is specifically aimed at giving parents safeguarding advice for children working and playing online. There are some useful videos to share. There are also some pages for children specifically which parents can go through with them.


    The below link offers support and strategies for mental health and well being.



    I hope you find these links helpful.


  • Friday update

    Fri 26 Mar 2021 SHouseman

    Happy Friday every one.

    This week has been a busy week with assessments but there has still been time for other activities!

    Year 6 received their first aid training, thank you to the PTA for funding this, such important lessons to learn.

    Red nose day last Friday raised a whopping £323.38-thank you to all who donated to this worthwhile event.

    Don't forget to vote on our competition to win a gazebo-see the post further down the news feed-get your friends and families on board too-every vote counts.

    The classes have been tweeting some of the learning activities the children have been doing so don't forget to follow us on twitter-scroll to the bottom of the website front page and click on the blue bird Twitter icon to be taken straight to our page.

    Next week is Easter bonnet parade day on Thursday 1st which is the last day of term. Send in your children with their creations and a £1.00 donation (this donation will be used for a future treat for the children for their classrooms), there are prizes for individuals.

    Mrs Tomlinson did put out a post for parent's forum next Tuesday but has had very few responses. If you would like a chat and share your views and suggestions please contact her to join the forum.

    We have a lot of children off this week with various illnesses. Please continue to be vigilant and get your child tested if in any doubt. I'd like us to get through to Easter with all children not in isolation!


    I hope you all have a great weekend.


    Stay safe.




  • Friday updates

    Fri 19 Mar 2021 S Houseman

    Happy Friday everyone,


    A lovely busy week here at Dovedale although we have missed all of our EYFS children who we look forward to welcoming back on Monday.


    It was lovely to see all the different choices today on non school uniform day and we thank you for all the donations for this worthy cause-I will update you on monies raised once counted.


    On Thursday 1st April we will hold an Easter Bonnet celebration. Children can bring in their bonnets for a £1.00 donation and we will organise a parade to show all children through their classroom windows. The PTA have kindly donated Easter eggs as prizes. It would be lovely to end the term on a colourful note and we look forward to all of the children's creations.


    I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

  • Shade sail competition

    Tue 16 Mar 2021 S Houseman

    Help Us to Win a Shade Sail!

    It’s competition time at Dovedale Primary School as A&S Landscape, a supplier of school canopies, is giving away a shade sail to one school. In our EYFS area we have had to take down our gazebo area as it was condemned. This space was used for outside learning and play activities when the weather was challenging. It extended the available space for our children-something which is vitally important for EYFS children but particularly at this time when we know that children have been cooped up due to lock down restrictions -negatively impacting on their physical health and wellbeing.

    To win this competition we have to collect the most votes! You can click here to vote for our school.

    Once you have voted, please spread the message on friends, parents and supplier’s websites as well as social media to help us win!

  • Online safety information for parents

    Tue 16 Mar 2021 S Houseman


    Good morning all,


    I have attached a link below that takes you to a page where there is some useful information links about keeping your child safe online.


    Some of these I have shared previously but thought a reminder might be good as we move forward. 


    Our children are accessing virtual content more and more and are being expected to regulate their own actions which of course is very difficult for children to do without adult support.


    I hope you find this information useful.


    Sarah Houseman


  • Friday update

    Fri 12 Mar 2021 S Houseman

    Happy Friday all,


    This week it was lovely to welcome the children back to school. They were all very excited and settled back in well.


    I need to remind parents to be vigilant with any symptoms as we progress as we already have 1 bubble closure and I don't think we are quite out of the woods yet as far as positive cases are concerned. If anyone in your household needs to be tested your child should stay at home until the results are through. I believe some parents may be conducting the lateral flow tests (the ones you do at home)  but if anyone has symptoms a full test must be taken. It is not advised for primary children to have a lateral flow test so if in any doubt book a full test.


    I feel positive that we are on the right side of lock downs and feel very positive about how the children have returned and hope the steady move towards pre pandemic life will keep us all motivated to keep ourselves and others safe.


    I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


    Take care


  • Update

    Thu 04 Mar 2021 S Houseman

    Good Morning all,


    As we get ready to welcome all our children back in to school I thought I would give some updates.


    As from Monday all children must be in school. We know some children may be feeling a little anxious about this but we will do our utmost to make them feel safe and secure on their return. Children already in school may also feel a little nervous about sharing their desks again etc so we are already thinking this through with them.


    School from 8th March is compulsory and we will follow absence procedures as usual. Although we would all like a holiday, holiday requests should only be submitted for exceptional circumstances as per the school policy.



    On return all children should arrive at their set drop off times (as in the Autumn term). They need to line up and distance from other year groups as usual. I would ask that parents continue to socially distance on school grounds

    and wear a mask (wearing a mask is not compulsory but I believe it makes some people feel more comfortable at our busier times). We will not challenge any individual who chooses not to wear a mask but will remind people to distance if we see groups gathering on school premises.

    At both drop off and pick up your child/children should remain with you and should not be playing around the school grounds. They must not go on the play equipment.


    We will continue to keep the children in their class bubbles. Hand washing and sanitising will continue.


    If your child is unwell for any reason please be vigilant and do not send them into school. This applies particularly if your child has a temperature, cough or lack of sense of smell or taste. Headaches and sore tummies, flushed faces are also symptoms displayed by children. Although we realise it is sometimes difficult to tell we would err on the side of caution as cases in our particular area continue to be relatively high and we wish to avoid bubble closures and potential illness in families.


    If a child tests positive we will continue to close bubbles where necessary after seeking advice. It is really important that you let us know if anyone in your family is waiting on a test or tests positive so that we can make sure we follow all guidance. If someone in your house is waiting on a test due to symptoms or tests positive then your child/children must isolate for the appropriate time.

    Your child will receive home schooling if they isolate individually or as a bubble.


    On return to school children should bring in their lock down work to share with their teacher if it has not be seen or responded to. The Collins books can remain at home to be used as advised by the teacher.


    Households with school age children are now able to get Lateral flow tests twice a week.



    Use this link for more information.


    There is also a lateral flow drop in point at West Park leisure centre.


    On return

    Our main priority is to settle the children back into as normal a school routine as possible. We will provide support for health and well being as part of our weekly timetable and allow the children some space for getting back into the routines and being with all their friends again.

    Academically we will focus on core skills on the children's return and test before Easter to determine any gaps and next steps. Our approach to catch up is outlined in our catch up funding statement which can be found under the key information tab.

    We will determine the progress of the children using our usual assessment system. Year 6 and 2 will sit previous SATs papers and the teacher assessments will be informed by this and other formative assessments.

    We recognise that not all children will have made appropriate progress during lock down but had evidenced in the autumn term that our procedures had a positive impact on children's progress so we are determined that we will be able to support all children with this.


    Other news

    Year 6 are able to wear their leavers hoodies on return with a school t shirt underneath.


    There are spaces in holiday club for both Easter and summer holidays and the summer half term. Please get in touch with Bernie at the club if you wish to book a place. Your child can do morning, afternoon or full day sessions. A full day runs from 7.30 till 6.00.

    Please see further information under the parents tab-Dovedale WRAP club.


    We will be holding a virtual parent's evening after Easter and will let you know the details for this shortly.


    School is closed on Friday 2nd April as it is Good Friday.


    I realise this is a lot of information to take in but know there may be even more questions. I will continue to keep you up to date with any further guidance.


    Thank you for all your support-we truly appreciate it.


    Sarah Houseman


