Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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  • Blog

    Fri 17 May 2019 S Houseman

    Happy Friday everyone!


    It seems a long time ago that we were sending our year 4s off on their residential and sitting our year 6s down for their SATs-but it was only Monday.


    The year 4s had a brilliant time and their behaviour was commendable. A big thank you to the children for making us proud and to the teachers for giving up their time to give the children this opportunity.


    The year 6s worked hard all week on their tests and were rewarded today with a pyjama and pizza day. Thank you to the PTA for providing the pizza!


    There was some confusion in assembly today as it turned out the text hadn't left the outbox to inform parents to attend their child's award assembly. Don't worry we will sort this in the next half term. Apologies for any confusion caused.


    Next week is a short one but don't forget that Wednesday is crazy hat or hair day with a £1.00 donation.


    We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

  • Blog

    Fri 10 May 2019 S Houseman

    Well for a short week it's been very busy!

    We saw the introduction of our new anti bullying song - see Twitter for the link to you tube. This was rewritten by Miss Aldis and sung by the very talented midday supervisor Mrs Middleton Wooley. We then asked Fletcher from SignSing if he would sign this for us with the result being an excellent video and message to the children. Our new anti bullying message is about building resilience and making ourselves bully proof. Our Bully proof ambassadors will be working across the school to promote the message and strategies to be used.

    We had a full governing body meeting on Tuesday where we discussed staffing for September and new ideas for the school building and premises growth.

    On the staffing front I need to let parents know that Mr Davies has secured himself a Headship and will be leaving us at half term. Although we are very sorry to see him go we are delighted that he has made this leap to the next stage of his career and wish him all the very best for the future.

    Our staff meeting this week saw the start of our curriculum innovations. We will be looking at building on the excellent work already done in class and adding some new ideas and intent.

    As I am sure your aware the European elections have now been confirmed which means school will be closed on Thursday 23rd and 24th for INSET as already planned.

    Next week is an important week for our year 6s as they get to show off their skills in the national statutory standard assessment tests ( SATs). As a school we recognise that this is only a tiny aspect of the whole child and will do our very best to ensure that they get through them as stress free as possible. We know our children are great in so many different ways and feel they will have the resilience to get on with them and then move on to enjoying their last term with us here at Dovedale. 

    Next week also sees the year 4 residential. So far the weather is looking more promising so fingers crossed for that. We know that they are going to have a fantastic time and look forward to hearing all the stories on their return.

    We are currently looking at our before and after school club numbers. If any parents would like a place please get in touch with the office so that we can add you to our numbers so we can start expanding this very popular provision.

    I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to a full week at school next week!


  • Blog

    Fri 03 May 2019 S Houseman

    Happy Friday everyone.

    What a lovely way to end a rather disjointed week with the opening of our outside classroom (gazebo) and cake sale. The gazebo has been dedicated to the memory of Taylor, a past pupil from the school. Taylor's mum and brother cut the ribbon and know this is going to be a great addition to our school grounds. 

    In other news-the year 4s ended the week with their first swimming session which they thoroughly enjoyed after starting the week with a Eurovision WOW day!

    The school council had their anti stigma training today. This training will help them to support our mental health awareness agenda across school.

    As I know you're aware the school was closed for elections on Thursday. We have put a letter under the news and events-letters home section on this website from the council detailing their decision to use the school and acknowledging our objections. We have been told we will need to close for the European elections also. Please be assured that staff are required to work these days even if they cannot be on the premises and we find it very frustrating.

    We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend even though the weather has turned wintery!
