Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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  • Update

    Thu 31 Dec 2020 S Houseman

    Good afternoon all.


    I hope you have all been keeping well and have had a lovely Christmas time.


    As I am sure you are aware we have moved into tier 4 with further restrictions affecting our community, I therefore just wanted to give a quick update as to our position.


    We have checked all published information and Dovedale Primary School will be open as usual from Monday 4th January.


    It is expected that all children will return to school on this day as usual. 


    Although I am sure that some people may be worried about the new strain, its spread and it's impact, we will continue to work extremely hard to manage all risks associated with COVID and will take extra care to make sure our school is the safest place it can be for the children, families and staff.


    Our systems so far have proved effective and we will continue to monitor and adjust as necessary. We will continue to follow guidance and ensure the best learning and support provision is in place for our children.


    I would ask that you continue to observe distancing guidelines and keep your children with you when dropping off and picking up and do not congregate on the school grounds. This has proved very successful so far and I appreciate your support with this measure.


    If you have any concerns please contact me on the email and I will respond.


    I wish you all a very happy and hope full new year.


    Sarah Houseman

  • Friday update.

    Fri 18 Dec 2020 S Houseman

    Happy Friday all,


    It has been a lovely week here at Dovedale with Christmas festivities resounding out all week as the different bubbles have held their Christmas parties.

    The children have continued to demonstrate brilliant behaviours and in spite of all the excitement have continued to make us proud.


    The EYFS children completed their Nativity which has been shared with their parents. A massive thank you to the EYFS team for organising and coordinating this and an extra special thank you to Mrs Norton for writing the performance 'When Santa sanitised the chimney'.


    The Christmas jumper day raised a huge £291.18 for Save the Children and we have delivered a massive array of goods to the food bank through your generous donations. In these difficult times it makes me very proud that our families and staff still take the time to consider those in need. A great example to our children.


    Contact tracing

    I need to state that if I am informed of any positive cases over the next week I will need to contact any close contacts. This will be up to and including Christmas eve. Rest assured I will take all guidance on this and follow the guidance on the timescale of possible infection spread. I very much hope for everyone's sake that this will not be necessary as we have had an excellent run of zero cases. 



    We do not know what the new academic year will bring in terms of lockdowns or closures but I am sure that whatever the new year brings we will face it with the same pragmatism and positivity that I have seen from children, parents and staff alike over this last term. In the mean time I sincerely hope that you and yours are able to celebrate Christmas safely and and happily.



    Sarah Houseman





  • Friday updates

    Fri 11 Dec 2020 S Houseman

    Happy Friday all,


    A lovely sparkly end to the week here at Dovedale with lots of Christmassy outfits on children and adults alike.


    Thinking of Christmas, there are 2 events being held at All Saints Church in Sawley that may be of interest to you and your children. One is a Christingle candlelight walk on Christmas eve  and one is a walk through Nativity on Christmas eve between 10.00 and 4.00. I have attached the flyers below for timings and details. Both have taken current restrictions in to account.



    Again I need to raise the issue of parking considerately. Some cars are parking high up on pavements, some on corners and some look more like they have been abandoned than parked! It is quite embarrassing and frustrating dealing with the calls and apologising on your behalf. I do feel more thought could be given to this and although as a school we have no control over how you choose to park I would ask that you consider what impression it is giving of our school and the safety implications for our children.


    Last week

    Next week is our last week of the term and I hope that everyone has read the 2 letters I emailed out on Thursday. We need to be vigilant over this next week to make sure that everyone is able to have the Christmas they deserve and that I do not need to inform any children of the need to isolate. I do not enjoy those messages! So please read the letters if you haven't yet had a chance and hopefully we will continue through to the last day in the positive way we have managed this half term.


    There is a PTA design competition running at the moment, the children can bring in 50p for a template and return their masterpieces by Wednesday

    16th December for judging. There will be 1 winner chosen per class.


    I hope you all have a very lovely weekend.




  • Friday update

    Fri 04 Dec 2020 S Houseman

    Happy Friday everyone!


    I am very proud to say we have had another great week here at Dovedale Primary school. The weather has been dodgy but the children have been great!


    Year 2 had their 1960s day which was a real hit. I was so impressed with all the outfits and the dancing!


    Thank you to everyone for your support with the poppy appeal. We raised a huge £685.52. 


    I have had a few messages about children racing about on their scooters outside of school, near people's cars and up driveways. Although I realise this is not being done maliciously this is causing some upset for some of our more elderly neighbours. I would therefore ask for some thought to be given to this when they are out and about.


    We have started our advent countdown with the appearance of the tree and some quite naughty elves in the classrooms getting up to tricks.

    Elaine Jones our community governor has also provided us with some lovely advent assemblies which the children are really enjoying, so it is starting to feel quite festive.


    I hope you all have a lovely weekend.




