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Y4 Cheetahs

Welcome to Cheetah Class, which is made up of 31 "Cheerful Cheetah" children. Our class teacher is Miss Barrett and our teaching assistant is Mrs Styring.


On our class webpage you will find lots of useful information and updates, so please take a look. As well as our class webpage, updates and photos will also be posted on Class Dojo regularly.

Summer 1 

Monday 7th June - INSET Day

Tuesday 15th June - Biggest Sing

W/C 21st June - Science and Assessment Week

Monday 21st June - Athlete Event

Thursday 1st July - Transition Day

Wednesday 7th July - Whole school picnic lunch

Friday 9th July - Sports Day

Friday 16th July - Year 3/4 Summer Event Day

Friday 16th July - Reports to parents

Thursday 22nd July - Last day of the year


PE Days

During Summer 2, our PE days are Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon. Children are able to wear their PE kits to school on their PE days, therefore please make sure your child has a school PE kit to wear on Monday and Tuesday each week. This does need to be our school PE kit, not clothes with logos on etc.

Summer 2

This half-term we will be covering:

History: Anglo-Saxons and Vikings 

Science: Electricty

RE: Why do some people think life is a journey and what significant experiences mark this?

PSCHE: Drug Education

DT: Electrical Systems 

PE: Football, Cricket, Athletics (ready for Sports Day)

Computing: Coding

Spanish: Stationary

Each Friday one of the following activities will be set online:

  • My Maths
  • TT Rockstars


Each activity will be set for the children to complete by the following Friday. Alongside, these activities we ask that the children read to an adult 3 times each week and have their planners signed to be awarded a merit.

Spelling lists of 10 spellings, following a set rule, will be given out each week and the children will stick them in their school diaries/planners to learn by the following week. One way of learning their spellings can be using their Spelling Shed account. However, if you ever miss when they are placed in the diaries, please see the attached documents below.


Remember getting 10/10 in your spelling test will earn you 1 merit, plus if you can learn 3 extra spellings that follow the same spelling rule, you can gain an extra merit!
