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Y3 Giraffes


Please click on the button below to find a selection of activities for you to complete at home if you are currently self-isolating. 

All about us!

Giraffe Class is made up of 31 fabulous Year 3 children. Our class teacher is Miss Bestwick and our teaching assistants are Mrs Sedgewick and Miss Ashton. We are also incredibly lucky this year because we have Mrs Spencer, a trainee teacher, who will be joining us on our learning adventures.


On our webpage you will find regular updates on our learning as well as useful information and important dates. Alongside this webpage, you will also have access to our class dojo where we will share regular updates with you so that you know exactly what we have been up to. Please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or via my school email ( if you ever need to contact me.

Meet the teacher

Still image for this video

Please click on the giraffe below to find lots of useful information about our Year 3 adventure. In this section you will find our medium term plans, knowledge organisers, spellings and even a weekly class blog for each of the school terms so you will always know what we've been up to!



Each term I will update this section of the webpage to ensure you are aware of any important upcoming dates. These dates will also be communicated via Class Dojo to ensure you do not miss any useful information.


The dates you currently need to be aware of for Spring Term 1, are:

  • Friday 18th December - Last day before the Christmas break.
  • Monday 4th January 2021 - first day of Spring Term.
  • Thursday 11th February 2021 - Virtual class assembly.
  • Friday 12th February 2021 - Break up for half term.

Reading books - In Year 3, your child will continue to use the Accelerated Reader scheme just link in the infants. We are happy for your child to change their reading book as often as required but would request where possible that their current book as been read twice to help with our reading comprehension and accuracy. Please engage with 3 weekly reads with your child and ensure their diaries are signed. For every 3 reads your child completes at home then a merit will be awarded. 


Spellings - Each week, your child will be given a list of 10 words/spellings which follow a particular spelling rule. These will be tested on Friday of the following week. To help learn the spellings children will be able to access 'Spelling Shed' to play a range of online games. Please head over to the spring term giraffe tab - curriculum info to see a breakdown of the spelling lists. 


Homework - Alongside weekly reading, spelling and times table practice, your child will also be set some online activities linked to grammar and Maths. These activities may be set on MyMaths, TTRockStars or These websites were accessed during your child's time in Year 2 so shouldn't be anything new to them. Please head over to the spring term giraffe tab - curriculum info to find website links for each online task.


PE - As of Spring Term, we request that PE kits do not come into school with your child on their first day back. Instead we would like your child to come dressed in their appropriate PE kits (plain, with no logos) on Thursdays and Fridays. Your child will stay in their PE kit for the entire day. Thursday - indoor PE, Friday - outdoor PE. 
