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Y2 Lions


We are the Lions! 

Welcome to our class!

Please click on the button below to find a selection of activities for you to complete at home if you are currently self-isolating. 

Please click on the button below to find a selection of activities for you to complete at home if you are currently self-isolating. 

We are a Year 2 class and our teacher is Mrs Ganguly.  Mrs Robinson is our PPA cover teacher once every two weeks.  Our Year 2 Teaching Assistants are Mrs Henson and Mrs White. 

The name for lion in Swahili, an African language, is ‘simba’. 

Fun facts about lions

  • Lions are the only cats that live in groups.
  • A group, or pride, can be up to 30 lions, depending on how much food and water is available.
  • Female lions are the main hunters. While they’re out looking for food, the males guard the pride’s territory and their young.
  • A lion’s roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away.
  • Lion's scent mark their territory, using their wee, to create a border.
Messages from Mrs Ganguly

Hello everyone,


It's been a busy and very productive time in Lions class, and already it's the half term.


In maths and literacy it was great to recap some concepts taught earlier in the year to firmly embed knowledge and understanding. For maths this has been focussed on fractions and for literacy, the use and application of commas and apostrophes. 


In science the children enjoyed monitoring the growth of seeds that have been planted under different conditions.  They have also been learning about different types of plants and their uses. 


Children really enjoyed their sessions with Derbyshire Cricket and developed great skills as well as understanding of the game. 


Our focus for history for the next term is also World War II.  The children have learnt so much about this already and are have really impressed me with their understanding of why and how certain things happened.  They have been doing some fantastic writing about evacuation, and have also learned how Long Eaton was a popular destination for evacuees during the war. 


Hopefully you will have seen the letter about our World War II day, which will be taking place on Wednesday 9th June.  Children are invited to dress as an evacuee, soldier, land girl or in any other style linked to the era. During the day we will be doing lots of fun activities including getting our classroom air-raid ready, creating shelters and making gas mask boxes.  The letter is included below. 


It was lovely to chat to you all a couple of weeks ago and to share your child's progress.  We have just completed some assessments this week and will repeat this w/c 21st June.  End of year reports will be sent home on Friday 16th July. 


Our new PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays for Summer 2 and children will need to come in their PE kits on those days. 


As always, if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask. 


Kind regards

Mrs Ganguly.



The important dates for Summer Term 2


Tuesday 8th June 2021- All Children return to school for Summer term 2

Wednesday 9th June 2021- World War II day

Friday 11th June 2021- Dress down day (£1 donation)

Thursday 1st July 2021- Transition day for new class

Friday 9th July 2021- Tentative Sports day

Thursday 15th July 2021- Class Assembly for Lions class

Friday 16th July 2021- Reports sent to parents

Wednesday 21st July 2021- Year 1 and year 2 Picnic Day

Thursday 22nd July 2021- Last day of school for the academic year.

Our class book is: 

The Lion and the Unicorn by Shirley Hughes


When Lenny's father goes to fight in the Second World War he gives his son a brass badge with two animals engraved

on it: a lion for bravery and a unicorn for courage.

Then, Lenny himself must go away, evacuated from his home

and family to escape the bombing. Staying in a strange new place, Lenny gathers all his lion bravery, all his unicorn courage, and

discovers that magic can happen, even in the most desperate of times.


Look at what we have been doing:

Friendship song- Lions class

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Lions class believe that friendships are an vital part of our lives. We enjoyed learning and recording this Friendship song. Hope you like it too.

Lions class Christmas Dance

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We couldn’t do a Christmas production this year so Lions class decided that they will do a Christmas dance for all our lovely parents. Enjoy!😊


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In science, children have been busy investigating and observing the different uses of materials.

The children have loved designing and creating their own Rangoli designs to celebrate Diwali. Here are a selection of them.

The children have been working hard on these very beautiful and poignant scenes to mark Remembrance Day. We respect our soldiers and remember and thank them for their sacrifices.

Meet the teacher

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As I have been unable to meet with you before the start of this school year, please watch this video about Year 2 and some key information for return to school, which I hope you will find useful.