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Y2 Dolphins





Welcome to

Dolphin Class!

Please click on the button below to find a selection of activities for you to complete at home if you are currently self-isolating. 

We are a Year 2 class and our teachers are Mrs Potter (Monday - Thursday) and Mrs Tomlinson (Friday).  Mrs Robinson is our PPA cover teacher on Thursday afternoons.  Our Year 2 Teaching Assistants are Mrs Henson and Mrs White. 



Dolphins are friendly, caring and loving.  They love working together as a team and recognise that every individual is unique.  Although they are known to be the most intelligent animals on Earth, they also love to play and of course, always have the most wonderful smile!



Now, who wouldn't love to be a Dolphin? 


Messages from Mrs Potter and Mrs Tomlinson


Hello everyone


I hope you had a lovely half term break and enjoyed the sunshine. 


We have a busy half term coming up with lots of fun things planned as well as plenty of time allocated to introduce the children to Year 3 and prepare for the transition to Key Stage 2. I will update you in more detail about transition plans nearer the time.


Just a reminder that it is our World War II day on Wednesday 9th June! Children are invited to come to school dressed as an evacuee, a land girl, armed forces or anything else linked to the era. We have lots of activities planned and I'm sure it will be a great day. 


Our PE days for Summer 2 are now Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor).  Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days. A full timetable for this half term can be found below.


Week commencing 21st June will be our assessment week.  Although we don't have to submit any data this year (due to school closure and Covid disruption), this is an important time for us to assess exactly where the children are so that they can continue to receive the right level of support or challenge that they need as they continue through the school.  


Also during that week we will have our class assembly.  Throughout this year classes have been recording and sharing video assemblies with the rest of the school.  We will be working on ours over the next couple of weeks and will have it ready for viewing by Thursday 24th June.  You will be able to watch it via a secure link, either on our Offsite Learning page (password protected) or by private You Tube link - I'll let you know when I've worked out how to do it!!


As always, if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask. 


Kind regards


Mrs Potter & the Year 2 team



Our class book is: 


    The Lion and the Unicorn by Shirley Hughes


When Lenny's father goes to fight in the Second World War

he gives his son a brass badge with two animals engraved

on it: a lion for bravery and a unicorn for courage.

Then, Lenny himself must go away, evacuated from his home

and family to escape the bombing. Staying in a strange new place,

Lenny gathers all his lion bravery, all his unicorn courage, and

discovers that magic can happen, even in the most desperate of times.










Out of school updates! 




A huge well done to ​​​Henry!  Before the Christmas holidays he decided he wanted to do something to help poorly people and people who don't have enough food.  He decided to complete a sponsored run, and to donate the proceeds to charity. After setting himself the target of raising £15, he completed his charity run and ended up raising a whopping £150!!  Henry has decided to split the money between Clic Sargent and the local foodbank. 

You are a superstar Henry, and we are all very proud of your kindness and achievement!


Look at what we have been doing at school!

1960's party!











1960's car visit








The children have loved designing and creating their own Rangoli designs to celebrate Diwali.  Here are a selection of them. 




The children have been working hard on these very beautiful and poignant scenes to mark Remembrance Day. Thank you to Mrs Robinson and Mrs Tomlinson for co-ordinating this. 




Meet the Teacher

Still image for this video
As I have been unable to meet with you before the start of this school year, please watch this video about Year 2 and the return to school generally which I hope you will find useful.