Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Y1 Penguins

Welcome to Penguin Class!


Welcome to our class page. We are a wonderful Year 1 class and our teacher is Miss Nadin. Our amazing teaching assistants are Miss Gunnell, Mrs Ashton and Miss Austen who support us at different times during the week. Every other Tuesday, we are very lucky as we get taught by Mrs Robinson.


We hope you enjoy seeing all of the fantastic things that we do in Penguin Class.


Alongside our Class Page, we also share information and updates on Class Dojo. Please make sure you are connected on there so that you can see what we have been getting up to. Please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or via my school email which you will see below.

Our Class Assembly

Still image for this video

The School Day

We are currently using staggered start/end times to the day for each year group. Here is the pick up/drop off information for Year 1 children. 

Morning drop off - 9:00am through the side gate.

End of day pick up - 3:10pm collect children from the playground near the KS1 building.




We have outdoor PE every Tuesday and indoor PE every Wednesday. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on the correct day.


Reading Books

Reading books are changed on a weekly basis when your child has reading time with an adult at school. If your child is reading regularly at home, I am very happy to change their colour banded book more often. The children will need to leave their reading book and reading diary in the designated book box (they know where!) when they arrive in the morning. This will give me enough time to change their book during the day. 
Please could you write a little note in their diary asking for books to be changed so I know they have definitely finished these and please remind your child in a morning to hand their diary and book in, or send me a quick Dojo if they are likely to forget so I can remind them too! 



In Year 1, the spellings are mainly linked to the high frequency and tricky words to aid them with their spelling during independent writing. At the beginning of every half term, children will be sent home with a booklet containing 30 different words, split into groups of 10 to practice each week. The booklet states which week each set of spellings relates to and which date the children will be tested. Spelling tests will always take place on a Wednesday. 
Please find resourced below a copy of the spelling booklet for this half term, as well as a range of different ways to practice with your child. As a school, we highly recommend Spelling Shed which the weekly spelling lists will also be added onto. Please find your child's log in on the first page of their Reading Diary. 


REACH Superstars!

Friday 25th September - Olivia

Friday 2nd October - Charlotte  

Friday 9th October - Millie 
Friday 16th October - Isaac PS 

Thursday 22nd October - Eva-Jade

Friday 13th November - Michael 

Friday 20th November - Harvey 

Friday 27th November - Maelynn 

Friday 4th December - Edward 

Friday 11th December - Nahla 

Friday 18th December - Vinny


