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Welcome to Switzerland Class!



This is the place to find out everything about our class and what we have been up to in Year 5. Check here for our spellings and homework which is towards the bottom of the page.

We have a variety of different people working in our class including our teaching assistants Mrs Edwards and Mrs Read as well as a number of other adults. Miss Roberts will teach the children fortnightly on a Monday whilst I am on my planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time.

Inspirational Women - Summer Term 1



It's time to change our topic in Year 5 and in times of uncertainty it's good to be inspired by others! Our new topic is all about inspirational women that have done some pretty cool things. We'll be learning about Amelia Earhart, Grace Darling and Ellen MaCarthur. 


We'll link in the different things they did as part of a Geography topic so be prepared to learn about the different oceans and seas, continents around the world and all about our coastlines. Perhaps these women will inspire us to do some amazing things now and in the future!

Class Blog


If when you ask your child what they've been doing at school and get the reply nothing much, check back here every couple of weeks or so to find out what they've been doing!





You are hopefully aware of Spelling Shed, our new program to help children with their spelling. The children will all have a login for Spelling Shed, which will be stuck into their diary. Our spelling tests will either be on the Year 5 Word list which is separated into words for Autumn, Spring and Summer or a different spelling rule.



Each week or every other week we will focus on a particular spelling rule, for example words that end in tial. The children will complete activities in class for these words and will also have that spelling rule set for them on Spelling Shed to practise at home or in school when time allows. 


This will allow the children exposure to a greater number of words and help them with their general spelling in written work rather than just focusing on spelling words from the year 5 word list. The spellings will be posted here for the following Friday. They are below along with the date they are tested:


Refer to our home learning guides for the spellings.


The homework for each date is below. Homework is set on a Friday of each week and is expected to be completed by the following Friday. Children are able to use school laptops if they do not have access to the internet at home and are aware of the appropriate time to do that. If any documents go with the homework, they'll be in the homework documents section below the dates. Almost always, the homework set reinforces learning that has taken place in the classroom. Homework for the next term will be listed below.



Date the homework is set:

06.03.20 - MyMaths - perimeter 

28.02.20 - MyMaths - Measuring Angles 


06.02.20 - Keep a diary of the different phases of the moon over the next few weeks. As a challenge can you state what the moon phase is for each day? A recording sheet has been sent home.


31.01.20 - SPAG.COM - Apostrophes & plurals 


24.01.20 - My Maths - Multiplying Fractions


17.01.20 - Based on what we have read so far, design your own alternative front cover for the Holes book. This could go on our display, so make sure it's your best work!


10.01.20 - My Maths Bar Model Fractions




Diary Dates




