Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Good afternoon everyone,

I hope that you are all keeping well.

Next week from Monday the 8th we will be opening for Years Reception, Year 1 and year 6 as per the government guidance. After the delay incurred through Derbyshire County Council's decision to enable all schools to be ready we feel we are very much in a place to open the classes with the appropriate safety requirements in place.

Your class teacher will tell you which week your child will be attending and the drop off and pick up times via dojo.

The teachers are liaising to ensure siblings are in on the same week.

As previously outlined the bubbles will run bi-weekly and children will not be able to bring in bags other than disposable lunch bags. 

PPE should not be worn ( as per previous posted guidance) but all children should be in school uniform from the 8th.

I will post a walk round for the children this week so that they can see how the classrooms look and talk them through some of the requirements so that they get a feel for this new way of being in school.

We will as always try to make your child's time in school as settled and enjoyable as possible but it must be acknowledged that it will be a different environment for the time being.

Please refer back to the letter under the parent's tab if you have any further questions in regard to this initial opening or email me on the headteacher email.

We have as yet no further guidance on when other year groups will be back in school or the expectations for distancing when this happens. As always I will inform you as soon as we know any further details.


Take care.

