Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Hello all,


I thought I'd do a little round up of all the amazing activities that have been going on in school and a few reminders of what's coming in the last couple of weeks!


Firstly of course the carnival. We won best children's float which was very much down to the excellent work of the PTA who gave up lots of time and effort to decorate the float with the children's artwork and their own creations. The children had a great day and it was lovely for the school to be visible in the community. We were once again the only school taking part.


We have once again been awarded Gold Sport's Mark in recognition of all the different activities the children take part in as well as their weekly PE sessions.

A big thank you to Miss Barrett who has been coordinating PE for us and ensuring that the children get to experience activities ranging from Zorbing to Tai Chi.


Miss Barrett was also responsible for organising our sport's day on Friday which was a great day for all. The weather was of course very hot but we have now invested in some gazebos which gave shelter and will be used for in school events or lunch times for extra shade when needed. The children participated in good sporting spirits and supported each other. 


This term we have seen excellent assemblys from Mrs Ganguly's, Mrs Norton's and Miss Barrett's classes. The children love to showcase their hard work and it is lovely to see them so confident.


On the subject of showcasing talent we were treated to a real spectacle in the shape of the year 6 performance - The Pirates of the Curry Bean. They were ably supported by the year 5s and I can honestly say it was very impressive with some real talent on show. The children were excellent both in their acting and singing skills and behaviours. Well done year 6 and year 5 we were very proud of you!


Coming up on Monday 10th we have Dovedale's got Talent. The children have chosen their class representatives after auditions and we look forward to seeing what they have to offer!


On Tuesday it is the PTA AGM at 7.30. Interested parents can find details on the PTA page.


Wednesday is the Meet the Teacher sessions. Please join your child's new class teacher for information on the coming year.


On Friday we have a career's fair planned for our year 5 and 6s. A huge thank you to those parents and friends who have offered their time and energy to showcase their working life. It really is an excellent opportunity for the children to get an insight into the options out their for their future working lives.


We have noticed a very sharp increase in children being taken on holiday during term time. We understand that financially it very often makes sense as 

we all know that prices rise ridiculously once the holidays start However we will continue to decline holiday requests and refer to fines where appropriate. It is our duty to do all we can to keep the children in school during term time.


I hope you all have a lovely week.


S Houseman
