Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Mid week update

Welcome to the mid week briefing!


I will continue to update parents as frequently as necessary to keep you up to date with the school's processes and reactions to the changing covid climate as well as all the really important general school activity.


Social distancing

As the numbers appear to be on the rise can I ask all parents to be particularly vigilant about grouping -especially those collecting from the playground. Once handed over your child should stay with you until they have left the school grounds. We would ask that year 1 and 2 parents do not congregate together, once collected parents should leave the school site with their children.


Water bottles

We have monitored the water bottle situation and will be asking children to take their bottles home each day to have them thoroughly washed and refilled and brought back the following day. This way they will only be handled by the child and parent and it saves time either end of the school day.



We are concerned that our hand washing regime is detracting from valuable learning time. Although we realise that cleanliness is an essential element in our determined effort to limit the spread of the virus we believe this can be met through using hand sanitiser at some of the times we are currently hand washing.

We would therefore ask you to contact the school office if you do not want your child using hand sanitiser. (If you have already informed us of this you do not need to tell us again.) Children will still wash their hands thoroughly at pivotal points throughout the day but will sanitise at other appropriate times.


At the moment all other systems are working very well and children and adults are enjoying getting on with the new school year. The children have continued to make us smile with their positivity.


Thank you for your continued support.

