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Keeping children safe

Good afternoon all,


As I am sure you are aware the safety of our children is at the core of what we do, and keeping children safe in the technological age is a varied and sometimes difficult task.

At school we do online safety through our PSCHE curriculum, through anti bullying and through Project Evolve which is an online safety teaching programme which the children access weekly.


As parents it is sometimes difficult to know exactly what is happening in the online world. The link below takes you to the NSPCC information page which helps you understand how to put filters on your children's devices to keep them safe.


I have placed 2 updated documents under the safeguarding tab on this website.

One is an online safety agreement which teachers will be discussing with the children in school and one is a child friendly safeguarding policy. This will be shared in class as part of our keeping safe education but you may also want to share it at home.


Another document on safeguarding in our curriculum which you may find useful is under our curriculum tab. This is a safeguarding in our curriculum map and shows some of the ways safeguarding is threaded through our whole curriculum.


Other links which you may find useful:

This links to CEOP and is for adult use to inform them of how to keep children safe online and the risks they may face.

This is the NSPCC web site for supporting online safety.


We have set up an online safety group comprising staff members and our safeguarding governor. If any parents think they would like to have input into this group to support our work on online safety please contact me. 


Have a good week and keep safe.


Sarah Houseman
