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Friday update

Happy Friday all! ( in spite of the weather!).


Week 4 at Dovedale has been a busy one.


We held our school council elections this week. Organised by Miss Nadin all the children had a formal vote for a child who had put themselves forward to be nominated. We look forward to meeting our new school council representatives and the work they will conduct on behalf of the whole student body.


As mentioned previously we are happy to receive good, used school uniform that could be passed onto another child. I currently have some year 5 -6 trousers, age 6-7 plain jumpers, several white polo shirts age 6 -7 and PE trousers age 5 to 6 which have been donated.

If you feel that you could make good use of any of these please email me directly and we can arrange collection. It is a shame to see these go to waste.


A reminder to parents to supervise their children when dropping off and picking up in front of the school. 

Parents must not drive in to the staff car park at any time. 


We have availability for WRAP club on Friday mornings and during half term holiday club. Contact Berny at the club or the school office to book. For the INSET day on 31st October the club is running from 7.30 to 5.30 and there is availability.

The club will be closed on December 23rd. (School closes for Christmas on the 22nd).


After a conversation with a parent recently I thought I would explain the fines process for unauthorised absences ( holiday requests). If holidays are unauthorised, or if a holiday is known to be taken without application the school may pass the absence to Derbyshire county council. The head teacher determines if a holiday is authorised or not using the policy guidelines. Derbyshire County council use the presented information to decide if a fine will be issued. It is usual for fines to be issued if the Head teacher has determined the break to be unauthorised.

The fine of £60 per parent per child will be issued from Derbyshire County Council. This does not benefit the school in any way and the school receives no funds from this. 


The New Reception children had their welcome disco tonight and they were all brilliantly behaved and appeared to have a very good time. Thank you to the PTA for organising this and to the staff who stayed to supervise the children. A good start to the weekend!


Next Friday we are holding a harvest day. Miss Nadin has sent a letter out today with information about this. Children can dress in an autumn colour (red, green, brown, orange, yellow etc.), or as a fruit or vegetable! We then ask if parents are able to donate an item of dried or tinned food we will store and deliver to the local food bank. This donation is completely optional and all children can wear a colour or costume regardless. Children can come in uniform if they do not wish to wear a colour or dress up.


Next week's assemblys will focus on the start of Black History Month.


I hope you all have a great weekend.




