Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Welcome to
Greece Class!


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Greece class is made up of 26 fabulous Year 1 children and our class teacher is Miss Hardaker.


In our Class we are very fortunate to have a range of adults across the week who love to help us learn. Every Monday and also every other Friday (when Miss Hardaker has her planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time) we are taught by Miss Martin. Mrs Henson works closely alongside Greece class on a Tuesday and Thursday, and Miss Austen supports us on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. 


Alongside the children in our class, there is also our class bear who we named Joey! He helps us every day with our learning and makes sure we are all following our school rules. Every day a lucky member of the class is chosen as the 'Star of the Day' and gets to take him home. We are all super excited for our turn as we get to look after him at home for the night.


Greece Class' Learning Journey


Please click on the star below to see the daily activities that you and your friends will be completing.



Our topic for Spring term 2 is:
'Amazing Animals!' 


Another busy term planned in Year 1! In Literacy we will be extending our knowledge on poetry by using the Talk 4 Writing approach. We are learning the poem ‘Wayne the Stegosaurus’ by Kenn Nesbitt by adding actions and creating a story map. We will use this to then imitate the poem in our writing before innovating sections. We will also use our knowledge on poetry to invent our very own! Later in the half term we will be exploring non-fiction texts and creating reports on the different animals around the world.


In Maths our focus is around fractions. We will begin my finding ½ and ¼ of different shapes and objects before finding fractions of amounts and numbers. We will introduce the bar model and how this can help us to find ½ and ¼. At the end of the half term we will begin naming and describing the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and spotting these in our environment.


In our History lessons we will begin to explore how we can find out about the past by exploring how we know about dinosaurs. We will look at different sources and begin to unpick what the term ‘fossils’ and ‘palaeontologists’ mean and how this determines some of our knowledge today. In Geography we will be exploring the seven continents and the animals that can be found around the world. We explore similarities and differences with animals in different countries.


As part of our Science learning we will be exploring the strand ‘animals including humans’. We will link our learning to history to find out what evidence there is to suggest features of dinosaurs and the diets they might have had. We will also begin to describe the structure of five different types of animals and explore how we can categories them based on their similarities and differences.


PSCHE lessons will be exploring relationships with others. We will think about how behaviour can impact those around us as well as the people we consider as special and important in our lives. To end the unit we will explore how relationships or families can be different for everyone. In RE we will be thinking about what stories of Jesus tell us about the ways Christians live their life. We will explore the story of the Good Samaritan and the Ten Commandments.


Please find our topic web and medium term plan below.

World Book Day - 5.3.20

General Information:

Important notices:

Reading books

Reading books are changed on a weekly basis when your child has reading time with an adult at school. If your child is reading regularly at home, I am very happy to change their book more often. The children will need to leave their reading book and reading diary on my desk first thing in the morning. This will give me enough time to change their book during the day. Please could you write a little note in their diary asking for books to be changed so I know they have definitely finished these and please remind your child in a morning to hand their diary and book in.



This year, spellings will run similarly to the tests in reception. In Year 1 the spellings are linked to the high frequency and tricky words to aid them with their spelling during independent writes. Each week we will choose ten words at random to test your child on. To support you with your learning at home, we would suggest you chose a few words each week to perfect rather than tackling the whole list. Although we cannot guarantee those words will come up, it is likely that some or most will. Spelling tests will take place on a Tuesday afternoon and will be completed informally as part of our daily classroom learning. If you think your child is struggling with this format then please speak to me and we can arrange something together.



During most of Year 1 our focus on homework will involve regular reading of the child's reading book as well as learning any high frequency words. If your child has received any new high frequency words these will be written in the teacher comments section of your child’s reading diary. Your child will also benefit from practising a few spellings per week from the spelling booklet we provide. Once the children have settled in to Year 1 life we will introduce MyMaths homework which can be completed on a laptop or computer. Each child will be given a login for this website but please feel free to ask for another if this is ever misplaced!



This year we will have two P.E lessons a week. Our Outdoor P.E session is on a Friday morning and our Indoor P.E is on a Wednesday afternoon. It would be helpful if all PE kit could be labelled to prevent any confusion between children. PE bags will be sent home at the end of every half term.



Dates for your diary:


