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Welcome to Germany Class in Year 4. We have Miss Barrett as our teacher, who is also our school's Forest School Leader, therefore on her Forest School day (Wednesday) Miss Roberts teaches us. We also have support from Mrs Thomas and Mrs Salt, our super teaching assistants, during the week.



Please see the document 'General Overview Timetable' below, which details what Year 4 will be covering for the set tasks each week. Along with the set tasks, please be practising your spellings and times tables as well as reading your school book or a book from home.

A musical message from Miss Harker

As I am sure you are aware, earlier this year your daughter/son had the opportunity to learn the clarinet with the rest of their class. Sadly, due to the current situation we haven't been able to complete this course. However, the good news is that your son/daughter can continue to play their instrument (or even try another instrumnet if there are other instrumental lessons available at their school). Please see the attached document (below) for more details and click on the link if your child would be interested in continuing to learn to play an instrument (this doesn't mean you will be committing to having lessons, at this point it is just an expression of insterest).

PGL Refunds

Please see the attached letter regarding information for your PGL refund. If you are able to print the letter, please make sure it is returned to school, which can be by email. If you are unable to print the letter, then you can just provide the details required in an email to school. Please send any emails to

Thank you.

Zoom Meeting

From next week we will be starting class Zoom meetings. Our first meeting will be on Thursday 7th May at 10:30am, lasting around half an hour.

Here are the instructions you will need:

  • If you haven't used Zoom before, download onto your laptop, tablet or phone and register.
  • It will then ask you if you want to 'join a meeting'.
  • Click on this and then type in the meeting ID number and you should be connected (The meeting ID number will be shared on Class Dojo, if you are not connected to dojo please email me for the ID number at 
  • Make sure you turn on the video and sound.
  • Go to the gallery in the top right-hand corner and you should be able to see everyone by selecting that view.
  • The first 5 minutes of the meeting will be fee-flow chat whilst we allow time for everyone to connect then I have some questions for the children. 


PGL Update (25/03/20)

The PGL trip has now been cancelled, therefore we will issue refunds as soon as possible. The refund will be processed through an insurance claim so we will keep you informed on the progress with this. Thank you again for your continued understanding at this time.


PGL Statement (23/03/20)

At this point, PGL have offered us a deferred date and not a cancellation. To ensure we do not lose the money we have paid to PGL we will need to be deferring our booking unless they are forced to close. This is obviously not our preferred option as we know this is a difficult time but we will continue to liaise with the company in the best interests of our attending families. Thank you for your understanding. 



In Summer 1 and 2, our learning will be based around the theme of "Eurovision".

This will include:

Geography - European study, researching European countries and landmarks

Music - Eurovision Song Contest, taking a look at the artists and songs 

Science - Sound and Electricity themes

Each Friday one of the following activities will be set online: MyMaths, or TT Rock Stars. Each activity will be set for the children to complete by the following Friday.


Remember to also read to an adult 3 times each week and have your planner signed to be awarded 1 merit.

Spelling lists of 10 spellings, following a set rule, will be given out each week and the children will stick them in their school diaries/planners to learn by the following week. However, if you ever miss when they are placed in the diaries or just want to know which lists are coming up, please see the attached documents below called 'Spelling strips'.


Remember 10/10 for spellings will earn you 1 merit, plus if you can learn 3 extra spellings that follow the same spelling rule you can also gain an extra merit (if they are spelt correctly)!


Here are some of the rules coming up:

1. Y3/4 Statutory Words

2. sol/real word family

3. phon/sign word family

4. Y3/4 Statutory Words

5. Prefix super-, anti- and auto-

6. Prefix bi-

Monday 1st June - Start of Summer Term 2

Tuesday 21st July - End of the year

Who has received our Friday assembly certificates?

20th September - Alfie

27th September - Pearl 

4th October - Mila

11th October - Emmie

18th October - Freddie 

8th November - Amy

15th November - Mara

22nd November - Louis 

29th November - Elliott

20th December - George and Sophie

17th January - Lily

24th January - Ryan

31st January - Oliver

7th February - Clarissa

14th February - Olli

8th May - Ryan

15th May - Giulia

22nd May - Rowan

5th June - Madison (plus Rowan and Oliver when in school in the keyworker group) 

12th June - Adam

19th June - Lily

26th June - Amy

3rd July - Clarissa

10th July - Mercediz

17th July - TBC

Friday 17th July

I can't believe there is only 2 more school days left, with Monday and Tuesday next week. It was lovely to see Germany class for our last Zoom meeting and I am looking forward to seeing you all in September before you move on to Year 5. There is work set (see above) for Monday and Tuesday as well as some extra summer holiday activities if you would like to complete them. Mrs Houseman has set each year group a 6 week challenge, so take a look at the booklet under the extra holiday activities too. Take care everyone and have a safe summer.

Friday 10th July

It has been excellent to see the work you have been completing at home again this week. From fraction revision to outdoor art pictures. I was also working in school again this week with the key worker groups. It was lovely to see some of Germany Class again. Next week will be our last Zoom meeting of the year (I can't believe how fast it's gone!). Bring along some paper and a pencil to complete a quiz on our year 4 learning.

Friday 3rd July

It was fantasic to see all the hard work Germany Class have been doing at home, on our Zoom 'show and tell' this week. Lots of you are proud of your time work, reading, handwriting and crafts you have been completing. It will be lovely to see all of your work once you bring it back into school by September.

Friday 26th June

It has been National Sports Week this week. Germany Class have been completing different sporting challenges including a daily challenge of keepy uppies. Our class total so far is 83! Well done everyone.

Friday 19th June

We have has a wellbeing week this week, completing a journal each day and looking over our lockdown journey so far. It was lovely to see everyone on Zoom again on Thursday and I look forward to seeing everyone in a fortnights time. Next week, is National Sports Week so look out for lots of sporting challenges.

Friday 12th June

It is lovely to continue seeing everyone on our Zoom calls. We had fun this week playing different games including bingo and guess the animal. Well done to everyone who tried the origami activity this week. It is lovely to see your pictures below.

Friday 5th June

Well done for everyone completing their Science electrictiy presentations this week. It has been lovely to see your Powerpoints and videos all about different sources of electricity. It was also great to see everyone again in this week's Zoom meeting. We will be playing a few games in our next meeting.

Friday 15th May

It was lovely to see Germany Class on our Zoom meeting again this week. Our 'show and tell' was excellent to see all the great work everyone has been doing at home. I think you have particularly enjoyed the Art for Kids Hub drawings and completing your landmark sculptures.

Friday 8th May

It has been lovely to see photos and videos of your work at home again this week. Your photos have particularly been your excellent DT structures of different Europe Landmarks. Can you guess what all of the different landmarks are? 


Friday 1st May

Here are some more photo updates of activities you have been completing at home along with Rowan's Newsround video demonstrating his knowledge of the equator. Great to see your work on different triangles at home using different resoruces to make your own. Ryan has also made it to the top of the school Spelling Shed leaderboard, well done!

Friday 24th April

Here are some more photo updates from Germany Class. Keep sending your photos and videos for Miss Barrett to take a look at what you are all doing.

Friday 3rd April

Here are some photos of the work and activities you have been completing at home over the last two weeks. It has been lovely to see what you have been up to! Missing all of Germany Class, stay safe and see you soon.

Friday 13th March 

The children have enjoyed Science Week, taking part in different Science investigation around the Lower Junior classroom. This included volcanic eruptions, lava lamps, sweetie molecules and corn flour slime. They have also completed a poster to enter into the Science competition. Well done Germany Class!


Friday 6th March 

It has been a busy but exciting end to the week with World Book Day and the beginning of Science Week. It was lovely to see everyone dressed up on Thursday wearing their pjs or costumes and enjoying hearing different books being read. Then we were amazed by some of the science explosions in the Silly Science workshop!


Friday 28th February

We have started looking at different art through history this week with a group task to identify a piece of art, it's artist, date and style. We could then timeline these as a class. Germany class also began notation work with Miss Harker in their clarinet lesson, well done! 


Friday 14th February

Well done to everyone who auditioned this week for speaking parts in the Lower Junior Concert. Parts have been given out today, but there will still be lots of parts to come including dancers, warriors and maybe some more speaking parts. We look forward to rehearsing once we are back after half-term. 


Friday 7th February

Germany Class have continued their work on mountains this week by researching a UK mountain/hill and presenting their findings. They have also done some great coding work on the laptops today. Keep up the wonderful work! Everyone who would like to audition for the Lower Junior concert has been given lines to learn today, please learn these ready for auditions on Monday afternoon (good luck). 


Friday 31st January

Germany Class have enjoyed writing explanation texts about a Pokemon character this week, completing their own research and then writing it up. Well done! 


Friday 24th January 

What a busy week Germany Class have had. Well done for your two performances this week. The first being the clarinet concert on Wednesday afternoon and the second our class assembly on Thursday morning. You all did yourselves proud! 


Friday 17th January

We are now full swing into practising for our class assembly. Lines have been given out so please be learning them at home over the weekend. 


Friday 10th January 

We have begun our learning for our new topic this week by looking at water use, starting a water diary and identifying mountain ranges. We have also started to prepare for our class assembly by learning our class song. Remember you are welcome to come and see the assembly on Thursday 23rd January.  


Friday 20th December 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your holidays and I look forward to seeing you all again in the new year. 


Friday 13th December

Thank you to everyone that came in for the Lower Junior Christmas Bazaar on Monday. We raised nearly £400! We have also enjoyed watching the EYFS Christmas concert and panto this week. Remember we have our Christmas party on Friday 20th December, so I look forward to seeing everyone dressed in their best outfits! 


Friday 6th December 

This week Germany Class have had an excellent effort at our Autumn assessments, well done! We have also finished making crafts ready for the Christmas Bazaar on Monday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in the afternoon. 


Friday 29th November 

Germany class have worked as Newspaper reporters this week to write articles about Forest School as well as beginning to look at our teeth. The class made models of a tooth and labelled the different parts. 


Friday 22nd November 

Today, we have begun making our Christmas Bazaar craft ready to sell them on the 9th December! Watch our for our decorations, cards and gift tags. We also enjoyed another Forest School session this week, however please can everyone be remembering to bring gloves, scarves, hat and lots of layers as the weather get colder, thank you. 


Friday 15th November

We have had Anti-bullying week this week, where we have written pledges and made exploding books to contribute to making our school bully-proof. 


Friday 8th November 

We have enjoyed working on descriptions this week ready for the remembrance assembly this Friday afternoon. We also all produced some lovely poppy artwork to hold up in the assembly. 


Friday 25th October 

Happy half-term everyone! Have a lovely week off and enjoy Halloween. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday 4th November.


Friday 18th October 

Germany class represented Dovedale fantastically at Ilkeston Fair opening this week. They have all worked hard practising a dance, which they performed at the event. They also got to perform in assembly this Friday, which gave Miss Barrett the chance to watch it too. Well done Germany Class!! 


Friday 11th October

This week we have been reading, performing and writing poems. It has been lovely to see the class take an interest and even bring in some of their own poetry books. The class also began to play their clarinets, with the hope of taking them home soon!


Friday 4th October

On Monday we enjoyed Lower Junior Day, where we worked with the Year 3's to introduce them to the Lower Juniors. We played games of Rounders and shared posters about ourselves. It has also been lovely to see children bringing in their instruments for the Ilkeston Fair competiton. I think our special guest visitor, who will judge the winners, will have a difficult choice. 


Friday 27th September

It has been a busy week for Germany Class as we have had 'Stand Up Derbyshire' Day this Friday and were learning a dance routine for the Ilkeston Fair on Thursday. Don't forget to be making your instruments for the competition!


Friday 20th September

We have worked hard this week to plan and write our own narratives as well as rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Well done Germany Class!


Friday 13th September

Our first full week in school has been a busy one. We have begun looking at what trade is, have classified animals as vertebrate or invertebrate and have started to read 'The Roman Beanfeast' to support our narrative writing.  


