Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Class Blog



Each week, usually on a Friday, you will find an update about our weeks learning and adventures! Within this class blog I will summarise what we have been up to in our lessons, inform you of any WOW moments from the week and also remind you of any useful information, whether this be homework or dates. This information will also be posted on dojo so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via dojo or email.


Friday 3rd June 2022:

Hi all,


I can hardly believe I am saying this but we are into our final half term as Year 3's! Each and every child has blown us away this term with their outstanding levels of respect, kindness, dedication and resilience to any challenges they have faced. We have no doubt that this will continue into the Summer Term and are excited for the last 7 weeks together!


As always our days will be packed full of more learning opportunities, celebrations and extra-curricular opportunities. You will find further details of this on our 'Curriculum Info' Tab. 


Thinking ahead to Summer Term 2, please be aware of the following:

  • PE Days - Indoor PE on Wednesday afternoons and Outdoor PE on Friday afternoons. As always, children to come to school dressed in their PE kit. A polite reminder that this should be plain clothing and not with logos. 
  • Celebration week - W/C 20th June. This will be our final assessments for Year 3.
  • INSET Day - 8th July.
  • Sports Day - 15th July. KS2 sports day will be held in the afternoon. Further details to follow.


I will keep you all updated for any further key dates/info via dojo and our class webpage. 


Enjoy your half term & jubilee celebrations. I look forward to seeing your child again on Tuesday 7th July.


Miss Bestwick smiley
